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Retaining Walls

MSE Retaining Walls
Precast Retaining Walls
Timber Crib Retaining Walls
Lock-Block / Allan Block Retaining Walls
Flex MSE Vegetated Retaining Wall
Gabion Retaining Walls
Bin Retaining Walls
Other/Custom Solutions

Gabion Baskets, Gabion Mattresses & Gabion Retaining Walls


Gabions are an important part of Erosion Control, as they protect streambanks and slopes from the erosive forces of moving water. Rock filled mattresses or gabion baskets can also be used retaining walls for slopes, to divert water flow away from eroding channel sections, to armor the bank or bed of channels.

Vegetated or rock filled gabions can be used in streaming sections subject to extreme erosion due to increased disturbance flows or during construction. Gabion wall can be specified at places where vegetative streambank protection is not enough, with flow rates over 6 ft/sec. Gabions can also be used to construct groins or deflectors envisioned for diverting flow away from eroding streambank sections.

Gabion Retaining Wall
Where Gabion walls are applicable


There is sub-surface water movements vary from moderate to excessive and may lead to erosion or can damage other types of    non permeable structures

Soil bank’s vertical integrity needs a greater tensile strength to decrease streambank sloughing

Where slope requires modification, but the heavy machinery cannot reach the site

A toe or retaining wall is needed for stabilizing the slope

Fill can be positioned behind gabion for modifying the slope

Hydrosseding Retaining Walls / Vegetated Retaining Walls

There are several reasons why people pick lawn hydroseeding. Above all, it is the more efficient method incomparable to use of a sod product, and way more steadfast than dry seeding. We offer hydroseeding, if your lawn is in need of some green, you should explore this method as an option.


Hydroseeding results in a deep root establishment than any other grass seeding method, which leads to healthier lawn quality. This method also offers versatility, which allows you to specify a variety of grasses within the seed mixture for a custom-tailored lawn.


This yard seeding method also needs a good amount of maintenance both before and after the seed application to ensure the healthy lawn progression. On hydroseeding lawns, the grass can be seen just three to five days and with lawn ready for full maintenance within 3-4 weeks. 

Flex MSE Vegetated Retaining Wall

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